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After using my iLiad for a while I found that it’s super to read stuff that you find on internet. But you have to put it in there….

I came with a openoffice template with proper page dimensions to fit in whatever I find interesting to read. But for blogs or so, something that I read more or less regularly this is a pain. So I used python to retrieve the feeds and reformat them for the real formatting program pdfLaTeX.

Well, the very first code looks like this:

import feedparser
import re
import os
import locale
language, output_encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()
def remove_html_tags(data):
p = re.compile(r'<.*?>')
return p.sub('', data)
def remove_html_special_char(data):
p = re.compile(r' ')
return p.sub('', data)
def br2dobleLine(data):
p = re.compile(r'
return p.sub('\n\n',data)
d = feedparser.parse("http://voglioscendere.ilcannocchiale.it/blogs/feeds/blogrss20.aspx?blogid=32495")
print "feed parsed"
##print e.title
##print desc
os.chdir ("/Users/paskino/temp/")
header = """\documentclass[iliad,12pt,oneside,onecolumn,final,openany]{iliad}
\setlength{\hoffset}{-0.8 in}
\setlength{\\voffset}{-1 in}
e = []
news = []
section = header
for i in range(len(d['items'])):
desc =remove_html_special_char(remove_html_tags(br2dobleLine(e[i].description)))
news= “\section{”+e[i].title+”}”+desc
section += news
section += footer
##section = header+news[1]+footer
f.write(section.encode(”ISO-8859-1″, ‘ignore’))

You can download the script here.

The class iliad.cls is just a sligthly modified article.cls from standard LaTeX, in which I defined the dimensions of the iLiad screen as:

{\setlength\paperheight {163mm}%
\setlength\paperwidth {122mm}}

By now it works impressively well, with minor bugs/problems.

The code depends on Universal Feed Parser.

How to write captions without numbers in LaTeX

This is just a simple use of the caption package for TeX that enables you to do much more. If you want to display captions without numbers add the following line to the header of your file:
